...so I see
the fourth scheme as fourth 'Earth, Kundilini Base Scheme,' demonstrating as a non sacred scheme of great suffering [planetary
avitchi on earth], like no other scheme, i.e. transmuting energy from the etheric un-named scheme of systemic avichi the third
major, eight rejected scheme, its triple kundilini fires of the previous SS… JPC.
The above
from my previous paper, 'Earth Kundilini Base, Eventual Heart Triangle'. The below passages from DK inform us of this our
fourth scheme being a "reproduction" of the previous scheme which should remain un-named.
It provides
us further hints, covering the nature of pitris/devas, a certain group from the previous dissolving scheme who were carried
into this as a reproduction. Their "mysterious" name is not given as it would reveal the "mystery of the scheme which preceded
ours." DK goes on to tell us that there are energy/devas reaching the knowledge
petals of the solar lotus via the manasic permanent atom Saturn scheme, which constitute a type of deva not much considered
and are "not" lunar devas.
They come
in from that cosmic dying moon of a solar system relating to ours as the moon relates to earth chain. Let us consider that
this forth scheme is a scheme of great suffering like no other, as DK says.
I submit
that the third dissolving un-named scheme, of "systemic avitchi," is as hinted, the scheme upon which ours is reproduced having
absorbs the 'lower, negative' aspect of energised matter/substance. This deva essence, which is also "un-named" enters the
knowledge petals of Solar, planetary, and human causal body! Thus pertaining to some part the lower aspect of the knowledge
petals which in un-foldment must be balanced by the unfolding of the love petals.
Clearly then,
our Earth scheme is one of great suffering and a direct reproduction of "systemic avitchi" at this time and is a reproduction
of the eighth rejected scheme, thus representing 'Earth base' which will eventually constitute a Heart triangle as the love
petals in the solar lotus un-fold.
HPB informs
us this planet earth is known as Myalba. Saturn planet in connection with Saturn scheme, transmits said triple energy, which
includes the lowest negative un-named type into our system on a planetary level and to earth via humanity.
We might
consider that just as earth planet absorbed the lunar principles due to its failure, so to did earth scheme absorb schematic
principles to make up for lost time as far as the Solar Logos is concerned on a systemic level. We are left, then, pondering
upon a significant role in which our earth planet and scheme plays in planetary
and schematic purpose. For though a whole scheme was indeed rejected, this state of affairs could not be left, and a major
rectification is duly being made. JPC.
of agony and of distress such as are found on our planet are found in no such degree in any other scheme. TCF 417.
Myalba is
our earth - pertinently called "Hell," and the greatest of all Hells, by the esoteric school. The esoteric doctrine knows
of no hell or place of punishment other than on a man-bearing planet or earth. Avitchi is a state and not a locality. Voice
Of The Silence HPB.
The Earth
chain absorbed or synthesized the moon chain in the same sense as certain of the schemes will merge until only three will
apparently be left. TCF 414.
This scheme,
whose name must not as yet be revealed, is largely given over to deva control - the two groups of devas meeting there, and
performing their function of animating the dense physical body of the Logos in the same way as the kundalini in man at this
stage animates his dense physical vehicle. TCF 648.
In the dual
sounding of the egoic mantram by the lowest of the three groups changes are brought about and the lunar Pitris (who concern
themselves with the lower three vehicles) enter upon their work, the key being given to them by the solar Angels.
lunar Pitris embody the substance of man's lower bodies, just as the solar Pitris sacrifice themselves to give him his egoic
body, and his consciousness. 55, 56 They are substance in its dual aspect, and the Lunar Pitris in their higher grades are
the positive energy of atomic substance, and in their lower are the negative aspect of the same substance. They might be considered,
in connection with man, as triple in their ranks:
highest group of all receives the energy from the higher levels, and ensouls the spirillae of the three permanent atoms.
second group, being the positive energy that attracts, builds and forms the body of man on the three planes.
The lowest
group are the negative aspect of energized substance and the matter of the three sheaths.
In connection
with the solar system they embody the Brahma aspect, being the product of earlier cycles wherein conscious activity was achieved,
but self-consciousness was only arrived at by certain cosmic entities who passed through conscious substance, and gave to
it that potentiality which will enable atomic substance - after many kalpas - to develop self-consciousness.
*In connection
with a planet, they are called by a mysterious name which may not be revealed, as it conceals the mystery of the scheme which
preceded ours, and of which ours is a reproduction.* There are Pitris who work in connection with a planet, and with a solar
system as well as those working in connection with the human kingdom. They embody the energy of substance as demonstrated
in a system, a scheme and a human cycle.
There are
also in connection with our peculiar Earth scheme, those lunar Pitris. who reached their present stage of activity in the
moon chain. They are deva groups but (unlike the Agnishvattas) they have not passed through the human stage; for them it has
yet to be achieved. TCF 780.
e. There
is the energy reaching directly to the knowledge petals from the manasic permanent atom. The permanent atoms of the Spiritual
Triad, as well as the bodies which are built around them, *bring in certain groups of deva lives which have not as yet been
much considered. They are not the lunar pitris, as that term is commonly understood, but have a direct connection with what
is called "the cosmic moon" or to that dying solar system which has the same relation to our system as the moon has to the
earth chain.* This "cosmic moon" transmits its energy to the manasic atomic subplane, via the planet Saturn. It is a triple
energy and there is an esoteric connection between this triple energy, and Saturn's rings.The old Commentary expresses this
truth about an interesting group of sons of manas as follows:
"These Sons
of mind clung to the old and dying form, and refused to leave their Mother. They chose to pass into dissolution with her,
but a younger son (Saturn) sought to rescue his brothers, and to this end he built a triple bridge between the old and new.
This bridge persists, and forms a path whereon escape is possible.
Some escaped
and came to the help of the incarnating Sons of Mind who had left the Mother for the Father. The greater gulf was bridged.
The lesser gulf persisted, and must be bridged by the living Sons of Mind themselves."
(This latter clause, refers to the building of the antahkarana.)
The energy
transmitted from the manasic permanent atom of each incarnating jiva, its union with its reflection, the energy of the mental
unit, and the triple stream of force thus created on the mental plane, has its planetary reflection in the relation of Saturn
to another planetary scheme, and the three rings which are energy rings, and symbols of an inner verity.
f. Energy
also pours in upon the knowledge petals from the egoic group, or from the aggregated knowledge petals of all the other lotuses
in the group affiliated with any particular solar Angel. These groups
have been earlier dealt with.
g. *Energy
is transmitted also to the petals via the groups and emanations from those planetary schemes and streams of force which form
the outer petals of that great center which is our solar system, and which we are told is seen from the higher planes as a
twelve-petalled lotus. These streams do not emanate from the seven sacred planets but from other planetary bodies within the
solar Ring-Pass-Not.* Streams of force from the Sacred Planets play upon the central tier of petals. Herein lies a hint to
the wise student, and a clue to the nature of the lower aspect of the solar Angel. TCF 1114.
it must be remembered that planetary schemes pass into obscuration and "die out," through the withdrawal in all cases of the
positive life and energy and of the electric fire which is the animating principle of every system, scheme, globe, kingdom
in nature, and human unit. This produces again in every case the dying out of the "solar radiance," or of the light produced
by the commingling of the negative and positive energy. TCF 835.
Again, as
a planetary scheme nears its consummation, it becomes "radioactive," and through radiation transfers its essence to another
"absorbent planet," or planets, as is the case with a solar system also. TCF 1062.
July 2005.
Jeremy Condick. jpcondick@ntlworld.com